Welcome to the Cornell Club of Korea!


About the Cornell Club of Korea

Cornell Club of Korea (CCK) supports continuous friendship and cooperation among the alumni, current students, faculties and the University. The club is comprised of more than 1,200 influential and active alumni members in South Korea, yet still expanding every year building up connections with specific department alumni groups around the region.

The Club also maintains a close tie with Cornell Alumni Association in Ithaca, NY and communicate with Cornell Career Services to help out the undergraduate students with developing relationships with the alums. We provide various means for alumni to connect with the alma mater and contribute to its growth.

Promoting networking opportunities among alumni and students is one of our core functions. Yearly events that CCK organises include: Women's Networking Event, Annual Year-End Dinner, Family Picnic, and frequent gathering events within departments/majors.

We always welcome your support and participation to the Club. Please contact cornellclubkorea@cornell.edu for any inquiries.

Thank you,

Cornell Club of Korea Executive Board


코넬대학교 한국동문회(Cornell Club of KOREA)는 미국 뉴욕주 Ithaca 에 위치한 Cornell University를 졸업한 국내 동문들간의 친목을 도모하기 위하여 1970년대 초반에 발족되었으며, 코넬대학교의 설립이념을 승계하고 사회와 모교의 발전에 이바지함을 목표로 하고있습니다.